
reimagine livelihoods

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About Access Livelihoods, a social enterprise in livelihoods

ALC India was founded in 2005 by two young men with bright ideas, a lot of passion for development work and very little money GV Krishna Gopal and G Satyadev were batchmates at the Institute of Rural Management, Anand (IRMA), batch 1999. They had no money. No established network. No reputation that preceded them. But, they had a vision and the courage to pursue it. Even as they were trying to take the baby steps in entreprenuership, they took their time to articulate the foundational values of the organization. They wanted to build on organization that would last beyond them. Today, even though the organization has grown in size and scope, the foundational principles continue to guide the work.


That captures our journey from 2005-11 comprehesively.

13 years | 21 states | 450+ Projects | 65,000+ Households impacted

To work for the marginalized rather than the mainstream

To work towards impacting those who most needed them. The mission was therefore to mainstream the marginalized communities in India - workers who belong to the unorganized sector.

About us workers


92% of the workforce in India still works in the unorganized sector.


They contribute to 63% of GDP

More on communities

To optimise our returns rather than maximise

To practice a model of development that they would preach, they put down caps on earnings for employees and shareholders.

About us team


Cap on Dividend

Rs 1.5 lakh cap on Salaries

(as of 2018 with adjustments for inflation)


Profits not to exceed 10% of revenue


The ratio of highest to lowest salary of full-time consultant not to exceed 10:1

Our Vision and Values

To collaborate rather than compete

To work along with other partners such as Government, Bilateral agencies, Foundations, NGO's and Academic Institutions who make up the livelihood ecosystem.

About us farmer parnter

Some of the clients we have worked with are:

World Vision

Ford Foundation






GERES etc.

More on Partners

To grow in impact rather than size

To make our knowledge and ideas freely available for anyone interested in improving the sector. We consciously incubate organisations within the ALC Group to scale up impact.

About us weavers


Chitrika works with weavers in Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh. It has created a successful model of weaver owned, weaver managed producer enterprises. Chitrika was mentored by ALC India.


ATLS(Access Tribal Livelihood Services)

Based in Bhubaneswar, ATLS is focussed on creating business solutions around Tribal assets, skills and culture.

ATLS Presentation​